2008年9月20日 星期六

性不性福 看妳走路就知

就在同一天,有令人驚悚的新聞—印度首創腦波測謊定罪,BRIC鋒頭之後再次大放異彩,有令人警惕的新知—長期吃全素 腦萎縮風險高出六倍,以及令人驚艷的發現—從步態看出女性是否會高潮。我想如果不吃全素,或是多補充維生素B12,就能避免腦殘;平常即使天馬行空、胡思亂想,勤寫 Plurk(當作不在場証明),也應該不用擔心被腦波定罪,因此,就往令人好奇的一窺(沒有”偷”)究竟。

走來還是走去扭腰擺臀究竟是煙霧? 以及女性量量看 你有沒有甜蜜G點點點?!…等等。







有兩位受試者從來沒有過高潮,卻被評為高潮型,研究者解釋說,可能她們具有達到高潮的能力,但是還沒有太多經驗,或是還沒碰到一個好男能讓她們高潮的。男性朋友夠嘔吧!? 不但看得濛喳喳,還被吐槽!

1. Your walk may reveal more than you think- A woman's stride indicates how easily she can orgasm, researchers claim, MSNBC Sept. 15, 2008
2. A Woman's History of Vaginal Orgasm is Discernible from Her Walk,
Journal of Sexual Medicine Volume 5 Issue 9, Pages 2119 - 2124

11 則留言:

helenna 提到...


paul 提到...

Hi, Helenna
辦法一定有,根據university of maphia的研究,男性受試者為了面子全屬"每次都行"...

scipao 提到...


New Yorker 提到...

Hi Paul,

Don't say you're all assumption and presumption. Who says you're not professional on this matter? The one who can write is at least, at least half what that person can do and can act. This is one of the theories from my master college, U of Mafia in New York Brooklyn whereas our famous Madonna, our veteran boxing champ Mike Tyson and one of the famous NBA players all graduated from this infamous college. If you need address info, write me and I will let you know.

New Yorker 提到...

性不性福 看妳走路就知

Of course, the gesture the women walk can tell if they are sexy or not. Following this, my next observation about if women enjoy their sex life or not is closely related to how women walk with their two legs either on high heels or on flat shoes.

Now, coming down to my practical observation, most of western women walk more sexy (stronger in expression than using sexier) with their sexy pairs of long, fat or skinny legs more than our eastern women. Why? They are more open in the engagement of talking about sex and more casual in the sex activities than our eastern women.

Don't ever think Taiwan and Hong Kong are also cities that their sex life is very exciting. No, the answer is being open and really knowing how to enjoy this kind of fun are totally different. I am afraid Taiwan & Hong Kong women happen to fall into the former group of 'just being open'

The way they (Taiwan & HK) walk is totally different from what I see and observe everyday in here Manhattan, New York City.

Professor and other members, your comments are welcome!

New Yorker 提到...


It's me. I like your blogger. I hope the messages I post up could be welcome.

paul 提到...

Hi, Raymond, you really have a keen observation. I agree with your viewpoint that the western females are more likely to have fun with their sex life because of the culture difference. Your precious comments are always welcome.

New Yorker 提到...

Thank you for your compliment. I am not just a keen observer, but hell of picky as well.

Don't you observe that not just the gesture from the pair of walking legs could tell their sexual desire and tendency, watch their facial expression? which is also another flirting sign of sexuality. Wow! Can't stop talking 'bout this topic. I love it!

匿名 提到...

@Prof. Paul, I presume.
Culture different might be a key, but not as a whole. I am thinking about the human skeleton and religion difference too. Is that possible? I don't know. Scientists should do some more explicit evaluation on that. How do they do the sampling and survey?

I used to stay in US for a while. Personally I will pickup NYC for this topic in doing research, of course. In that city, people walk. That's FAST, very FAST. I literally couldn't catch up with my friends when hanged around at the first time. After that, I kindly welcome them roaltrip to my windy city as a vocation. Hilariously we all went to cleanwater,FL and tanning. Just hate urban...
Hm anyway, sexuality research isn't my domain. I, as a AI-biometric researcher, just like to know how others gathering and analysis their own data.


匿名 提到...


阿宅 提到...
