2008年9月13日 星期六



摻雜物「三聚氰胺」並不是適當、易懂的名稱,就像其他化學名詞,換成中文就像天書,任憑化學造詣再深都難懂,尤其像這種想當然耳的翻譯。三聚氰胺它的英文名稱叫做melamine(圖左),分子量只有126卻含有6個氮原子。所以要掺melamine就是因為它的含氮量特別高,學過生化、食品化學的人大概都還記得,蛋白質的含量測定最經典的就是凱氏定氮法(Kjeldahl method),是將食品先用氧化劑-硫酸銅和濃硫酸加熱消化,蛋白質所含的氮轉化成硫酸銨,接著加入鹼,讓硫酸銨分解出氨,蒸餾收集氨,再用已知濃度的鹽酸標準溶液滴定,根據鹽酸消耗的量計算出氮的含量,然後乘以相應的換算因數,即得蛋白質的含量。 所以掺了melamine的毒奶粉,不明就裡的人用了凱氏定氮法,劣質低蛋白質奶粉就此蒙混過關。有了這次經驗,知道奸商無所不用其極草菅人命,食品品管的手段和方法亟待加強。

Hexamine, 右圖),分子量140含有4個氮,結構像鑽石結晶,它會在酸性的尿液(正常尿液偏酸)中分解出甲醛,發揮清除尿道中細菌的效果。像這個化合物的字首”hexa”代表六,因為它一分子在酸性狀況下會解離出六分子甲醛,可能會有些天才望文生義翻譯成”六胺”之類,就大錯特錯了。有些國家拿它當作乳酪的防腐劑。

FDA News
三聚氰胺小常識 衛生署衛教宣導
Interim Melamine and Analogues Safety/Risk Assessment, FDA, May 25, 2007

6 則留言:

New Yorker 提到...


It's me again, Raymond.

You're so terrific. Why? You could 學以致用. All this matters & counts.

Anyway, I will come up here once in a while. Do you welcome me? (1) To update what our junior is doing and (2) to update myself to see if I still could remember -NH2 means what? & if -COOH is acidic or basic? I know 36 years apart from something you learned is a long time, but the positive attitude people are holding is something very useful, very helpful and very meaningful that counts and matters in our lives.

Next time, this kindergarden old kid will definitely raise up some stupid questions to ask this professor. As you say here, no news is a good news. As I say, no question is a stupid question. Stupid question is always a good question, applying to the current response of our NDMC members. Do you understand?

On the second thought, (I did not really know you are so good at this this minute before), what do you think we could do to make our website more voices, more noises & more sounds? from your internet experience point of view?

Raymond - kindergarden P-55

paul 提到...

Dear Raymond,

You are quite welcome to visit this site and leave message. I hope I can answer your precious question, because I am still learning.

New Yorker 提到...


We also have this big headline in the newspaper today. I am curious to ask you a couple of Qs:
(1) why did they put this chemical Melamine into the inant powder? with intention to make ingredients more nutritional or what? or thru other sources without letting the factory know?
(2) I have been in US too long. Sometimes, I feel so funny why this kind of thing could happen in China. Today is infant powder. Tomorrow could be soy sauce. There is almost one funny thing everyday in China. I don't understand their mentality??

paul 提到...

Dear Raymond,
To answer your Q1: as I mentioned in the 2nd paragraph, the adulterated melamine could bring up total nitrogen content measured by Kjeldahl method, in order to pretend that the fake milk contains enough protein in it. Melamine is toxic and does not make any nutritional. Q2: They are insane. In 2007 the former SFDA head 鄭筱萸 was excuted under sentence of death because of serial corruption. Could this one be the last?

helenna 提到...


可惜學以致用 用錯地方了

paul 提到...

yes, Helenna, 以知識犯罪,學法玩法,尤感沉痛