中華民國九十七年十二月十二日特偵組趕偵結,8檢熬夜寫起訴書,九十九年十一月十二日國父誕辰紀念日,聯合報頭條 "貪汙定讞 扁珍將入獄 禮遇全取消",天理昭彰,豈容僥倖!也該為戮力摘奸發伏、執著勿枉勿縱的檢調司法人致敬!
2010年11月12日 星期五
張貼留言 (Atom)
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a response received from email said:
Although I am far away from the scene and not well informed on the happening, as a civil servant I cannot understand how someone in public service can accept money, if that is not bribery what is? Some of the court decision puzzles me.
Nicely article TQ very much for sharing.
Thanks for your kind response. You pointed out the trickiest part that the majority Taiwanese has the same wondering.
It's quite usual that lots of different voices may come from the opposition in a democratic country. No matter how tough the raised issues are, if things could be solved the premise is that both sides of different opinions are able to compromised and keeping loyalty to their own country. Unfortunately such kind of consensus does not exist in TW. The opposite parties like Chen Sui-bian and his followers who have ever controlled the state machine, they have never taken the Republic of China as their mother country, they never pay any tiny respect to the ROC. Any action from Chen's party, actually a group of gangsters, is always evil and trying to tear the people and our country apart in order to keep their position stable. Great amount of public treasury was wasted to please those uncivilized people who support them. It is really sad to see these shameless politicians always act like a clown or thug, however, during the election they pretend as a fighter for democratic and human rights though they always infringe good citizen's freedom and human rights. This is the difficulty in TW. Then, back to your question, if a civil servant like Chen SB receive bribe and seized by any means, it might be rationalized by his comrades (such as a judge) if he claims that the money is prepared for a fund for construction a new country, just like what Chen SB did after his money laundry scandal was revealed by the international crime prevention organization. It sounds ridiculous, but really happens in TW.