2010年12月20日 星期一

測驗您的辨色能力 Color Challenge

1. 按這裡連結到一個新網頁

2. 有四排顏色,每一排最左和最右的色塊是固定的,

3. 全部排好之後按下面的 "Score Test" 出現另一畫面

4. 選擇您的年齡層和性別 (男性Male,女性Female)

5. 再按下面的 "Submit ",最後結果就出來,例如附圖所示

6. 分數越小,代表您在這個年齡層的人當中辨色敏銳度越高
例如圖示的結果,50-59歲的人分數從 0 到 1520
分數是 0 的那位辨色能力是最好的

7. 女性255人當中有一人,男性每12人中有一人欠缺辨色能力


Came across this link for an interesting eye-sight test. Besides gender, age is also a factor. Try it, you will be surprised at yourself. At my age, people scored from zero to 1520. Fortunately I scored 4, probably corresponding to a photographer.


p.s. Xrite is an US company specialising in colour management.

2010年12月14日 星期二

Heart of a Teacher- A movie from Simple Truths

The child arrives like a mystery box…
with puzzle pieces inside
some of the pieces are missing or broken…
and others just seem to hide

But the HEART of a teacher can sort them out…
and help the child to see
the potential of greatness he has within
a picture of what he can be

Her goal isn’t just to teach knowledge…
by filling the box with more parts
it’s putting the pieces together…
to creat a work of great art

The process is painfully slow and times
some need more help than others
each child is a work in progress…
with assorted shape and colors

First she creates a classroom…
where the child can feel safe in school
where never feel threaten or afraid to try…
and kindness is always the rule

She knows that a child can achieve much more
when he feels secure inside
when he is valued and loved…
and believes in himself…
and he has a sense of pride

She models and teaches good character
and respect for one another
how to focus on strengths…not weakness…
and how to encourage each other

She gives the freedom he needs…
to make choices on his own
so he learns more responsible…
and is be able to stand alone

He’s taught to be strong and think for himself
as his soul and spirit heal
and the puzzle that’s taking inside…
has a much more positive feel

The child discovers the joy that comes
from learning something new…
and his vision grows as he begins
to see all the things he can do

A picture is formed as more pieces fit…
an image of the child within
with greater strength and confidence…
and a belief that he can win!

All because a hero was there…
in the HEART of a teacher who cared…
enabling the child to become much more…
than he ever imaged…or dared…

A teacher with a HEART for her children…
knows what teaching is all about
she may not have all the answers…
but on this…she has no doubt

When asked which subjects she loved to teach…
She answered this way and smiled…
“it’s not the subject that matter…
it’s all about teaching the CHILD”

Heart of a Teacher- A movie from Simple Truths

2010年11月19日 星期五


前天(11月17日)國道發生離奇罕見車禍,一小客車先擦撞化學槽車,續被隨後的化學槽車壓在底部拖行,化學槽車爆炸起火波及民宅。究其原因,又是一起酒後駕駛害人害己悲劇。不只是酒類對行為、意識會產生很大的影響,一些添加了咖啡因的酒精飲料(caffeinated alcoholic beverages, CABs),危害可能更大。

在台灣這類添加了咖啡因(caffeine)的酒精飲料大多是那些標榜著能提神、消除疲勞、增強體力…等等含有酒精的產品;美國便利商店或量販店的產品類似啤酒,如右圖所示,容量從12到32盎司(375毫升–1公升),包裝色彩強烈,有些除了咖啡因可能還含有刺激性成分。相對於一般啤酒4- 5%的酒精含量,這類產品酒精成分較高,可能高達12%,和白蘭地、威士忌相當。


就法規面來說,美國FDA要求食品添加劑必須是“通常被認為是安全的”(generally recognized as safe, GRAS),而這類含咖啡因酒品的製造商並沒有證明把咖啡因加入麥芽酒類中符合GRAS規範;相反的,有證據顯示咖啡因和酒精組合的產品會造成影響公眾健康的疑慮,不符合FDA的安全標準。



1. 國道三油槽車車禍 肇事自小客害己害人 中國時報
2. Serious Concerns Over Alcoholic Beverages with Added Caffeine. FDA Consumer Updates November 17, 2010
3. Why mixing alcohol and caffeine is so deadly. PHYSORG.com November 22, 2010

2010年11月12日 星期五


中華民國九十七年十二月十二日特偵組趕偵結,8檢熬夜寫起訴書,九十九年十一月十二日國父誕辰紀念日,聯合報頭條 "貪汙定讞 扁珍將入獄 禮遇全取消",天理昭彰,豈容僥倖!也該為戮力摘奸發伏、執著勿枉勿縱的檢調司法人致敬!









2010年10月3日 星期日

“神奇”的礦物飲料(Miracle Mineral Supplement, MMS)

網路直銷的”神奇礦物飲料”(Miracle Mineral Solution, Miracle Mineral Supplement, MMS),其成分是在蒸餾水裡溶入28%的亞氯酸鈉(NaClO2),廠商宣稱飲用之前要和檸檬水之類酸性飲料混合,它就成為抗微生物、抗病毒、抗菌飲料,能解感冒、青春痘、癌症、HIV/愛滋病、肝炎、H1N1流感、以及其他疾病。這些產品的說明宣稱在飲用之後是會有噁心、嘔吐現象,而這些反應就是飲料正在作用的証明。



‘Miracle’ Treatment Turns into Potent Bleach. FDA Consumer Updates. October 1, 2010

2010年6月20日 星期日





美國FDA的法規中經常強調的是藥物的品質、安全和效用(quality, safety and efficacy),品質是一切的基礎,良好的品質建立在製造和管制的過程中嚴守GMP。衛生署轄下的醫藥品查驗中心(CDE),是負責書面審查新藥申請和臨床試驗的機構,裡頭官銜大而才德學養待加強的,對於藥物的製造和管制(CMC)以及GMP的內涵可說毫無所知,為了衛生署高層「要體恤廠商經營的困難」、「不要阻礙台灣藥業的發展」(卻不知全民健康福祉被棄置何地),經常會訓示:審查不一定要一百分,六十分就可以了;殊不知藥物的製程環環相扣,每一步驟都馬虎不得的,不能像考試60分及格,其中有任何瑕疵,無論有心或無意,理論上就可推斷最終產品是達不到預期品質的。


FDA Fines American Red Cross $16 Million for Prior Failures to Meet Blood Safety Laws. FDA News Release, June 17, 2010

2010年6月7日 星期一


美國的處方減肥藥Xenical(含orlistat 120毫克)或非處方藥Alli(含orlistat 60毫克)可能導致肝功能衰竭,FDA已經檢視並証實12例服用Xenical、1例服用Alli所引起嚴重的肝損傷報告,雖然罕見,但要注意其潛在的危險。



Nofat Capsules 120mg 
[中國化學] [中國化學] 

Zerocal Capsules 120mg 
[萬菱藥品科技] [衛達化學製藥]

LIPLOSE Capsules 120mg 
[台灣思威捷藥業] [井田製藥工業]

解脂盈膠囊 120毫克 
Oilcut Capsules 120mg 
[永信藥品] [永信藥品]
Zerocal Capsules 60 mg 
[萬菱藥品科技] [衛達化學製藥]

Visrrat capsules 120mg“Union” 
[聯邦化學製藥] [聯邦化學製藥]

[羅氏大藥廠] [ROCHE S.P.A.]
Alli Capsules 60mg 

Weight-Loss Drugs and Risk of Liver Failure, FDA May 26, 2010 

2010年5月4日 星期二


爆玉米花的奶油香味diacetyl會導致閉塞性毛細支氣管炎(bronchiolitis obliterans ), 一種罕見威脅生命的疾病, 俗稱"爆玉米花肺"(popcorn lung)。美國四家最大的微波玉米花公司已經停用這種有害的香味料。

Diacetyl存在於奶油、乳酪、水果當中,由於是天然成分,FDA把它當作"一般認為是安全"(generally recognized as safe, GRAS)的調味劑,顯然這個天然的香味物質也許吃下去沒事,聞多了可真是傷身!歐盟EU公告雙酮類化合物例如乙醯丙酮 (CH3COCH2COCH3)具有基因毒性,自2005年開始禁止作為營養添加劑,Diacetyl 也屬於一種雙酮類化合物。

在密蘇里州一微波爆玉米花工廠,Eric Peoples 做混合奶油香料的工作,得了毀壞性肺病,每天起床就是乾咳、長咳,腳一下地立刻就覺得好像誰踩在他的胸膛上,這還算好的,嚴重的時候就像巨獸在撕裂他的肺,擠掉他的呼吸,才35 歲就得慢慢走,上樓梯像要命,有時每一階都得停下來休息。

Eric 打官司獲賠數百萬美金,然而他的肺已失去四分之三功能,靠氧氣維生,兩邊可能都須換肺,他說再多錢也不能彌補他生涯中的損失。

即使到現在Eric 還是疑惑,他倒入大筒中那個嗆鼻、金黃色、像布丁一樣、常用在增加零食風味的香料(diacetyl)竟讓他生病。他說:「當我開始生病的時候就一直想找出原因,從沒想到是奶油味香料,它是食物,大家吃它,我一直告訴我家人,絕不是它造成的,這種東西怎麼會有害?他怎能使壞?」

事實上美國國家職業安全及衛生研究院早已派員調查,到2001年確定奶油香味劑和疾病間的關連性,而三年後該院才發函四千家公司,警告要小心處理這種香味料以策安全,那時候Keith Campbell已經患病了,他進入公司兩年,在2002年診斷出得了閉塞性毛細支氣管炎,他不明暸何以警告要那麼久才發布,他的肺已經喪失百分之六十的功能,不能去獵鹿、玩棒球、外出跑步、和孫兒躲迷藏,他並不怪公司,但告了香料公司。他難以理解,認為不管是奶油香味劑或是核能工廠,已經知道有問題,對人有害五年了,這時不能只是管制,要禁止它。

1. 4 major popcorn makers to drop toxic chemical. MSNBC Sept. 5, 2007
2. Popcorn workers stuck with painful legacy. MSNBC Oct. 29, 2007

3. 奶油香味(爆米花香味)藏危機:如果正處於感冒等呼吸道感染期間,即使只接觸低濃度的雙乙醯也可能會加重肺損傷的狀況。研究刊登在《美國生理學期刊—肺細胞和分子生理學》。
4. 奶油香味有毒(聯合報 blog) https://blog.udn.com/mobile/roctober99/4004786

2010年3月29日 星期一


A message received from an email entitled "CLEAN YOUR KIDNEYS FOR LESS THAN $1.00", the author might be Dr. Abdullah Q Turkistani, said:

Years pass by and our kidneys are filtering the blood by removing salt, poison and any unwanted entering our body. With time, the salt accumulates and this needs to undergo cleaning treatments and how are we going to overcome this? It is very easy, first take a bunch of parsley and wash it clean. Then cut it in small pieces and put it in a pot and pour clean water and boil it for ten minutes and let it cool down and then filter it and pour in a clean bottle and keep it inside refrigerator to cool. Drink one glass daily and you will notice all salt and other accumulated poison coming out of your kidney by urination also you will be able to notice the difference which you never felt before. Parsley is known as best cleaning treatment for kidneys and it is natural!

My comment and suggestion:

Parsley appears to increase diuresis by inhibiting the Na+/K+-ATPase pump in the kidney, thereby enhancing sodium and water excretion while increasing potassium reabsorption. It is also valued as an aquaretic.

The other Herbal Aquaretics include adonis, agrimony, bearberry, buchu, dandelion, heartsease, hydrangea, lady's mantle, larch, and sassafras. Any of these herbs may provide the benifit of diuresis, however, they are potentially having their inherent health risks. For example, the roots of Sassafras can be steeped to make tea and were used in the flavoring of root beer until being banned by the FDA. Laboratory animals that were given oral doses of sassafras tea or sassafras oil that contained safrole developed permanent liver damage or various types of cancer. In humans liver damage can take years to develop and it may not have obvious signs. It is always true that every natural foods or medicines may bring up some benefits after use, and always along with a huge or tiny risks at the same time, Parsley is high (1.70% by mass) in oxalic acid, a compound involved in the formation of kidney stones and nutrient deficiencies.

Some vegetables such as alfalfa sprouts were thought to be good for preventing atherosclerosis by decreasing cholesterol level, eventually lowering the blood pressure. According to the result of some scientific studies, raw alfalfa sprouts contains a poisonous amino acid called L-Canavanine sulfate which can induce SLE and other immunodiseases. The other blood pressure lowering, Celery, is among a small group of foods (headed by peanuts) that appear to provoke the most severe allergic reactions; for people with celery allergy, exposure can cause potentially fatal anaphylactic shock.

My suggestion is that never to expect any curative or health-promoting effects from "natural foods"; everyone should identify carefully the information like the attached one of parsley and others which always lay emphasis on "all natural" even if it‘s written by a Doctor or PhD. Excessive and long-term use of a few particular vegetables or herbs may eventually invite some undesirable results which completely out of expection. Think again before taking any of the so-called Healthy Foods.