1. 按這裡連結到一個新網頁
2. 有四排顏色,每一排最左和最右的色塊是固定的,
3. 全部排好之後按下面的 "Score Test" 出現另一畫面
4. 選擇您的年齡層和性別 (男性Male,女性Female)
5. 再按下面的 "Submit ",最後結果就出來,例如附圖所示
6. 分數越小,代表您在這個年齡層的人當中辨色敏銳度越高
例如圖示的結果,50-59歲的人分數從 0 到 1520
分數是 0 的那位辨色能力是最好的
7. 女性255人當中有一人,男性每12人中有一人欠缺辨色能力
Came across this link for an interesting eye-sight test. Besides gender, age is also a factor. Try it, you will be surprised at yourself. At my age, people scored from zero to 1520. Fortunately I scored 4, probably corresponding to a photographer.
p.s. Xrite is an US company specialising in colour management.
2010年12月20日 星期一
測驗您的辨色能力 Color Challenge
標籤: game
2010年12月14日 星期二
Heart of a Teacher- A movie from Simple Truths
The child arrives like a mystery box…
with puzzle pieces inside
some of the pieces are missing or broken…
and others just seem to hide
But the HEART of a teacher can sort them out…
and help the child to see
the potential of greatness he has within
a picture of what he can be
Her goal isn’t just to teach knowledge…
by filling the box with more parts
it’s putting the pieces together…
to creat a work of great art
The process is painfully slow and times
some need more help than others
each child is a work in progress…
with assorted shape and colors
First she creates a classroom…
where the child can feel safe in school
where never feel threaten or afraid to try…
and kindness is always the rule
She knows that a child can achieve much more
when he feels secure inside
when he is valued and loved…
and believes in himself…
and he has a sense of pride
She models and teaches good character
and respect for one another
how to focus on strengths…not weakness…
and how to encourage each other
She gives the freedom he needs…
to make choices on his own
so he learns more responsible…
and is be able to stand alone
He’s taught to be strong and think for himself
as his soul and spirit heal
and the puzzle that’s taking inside…
has a much more positive feel
The child discovers the joy that comes
from learning something new…
and his vision grows as he begins
to see all the things he can do
A picture is formed as more pieces fit…
an image of the child within
with greater strength and confidence…
and a belief that he can win!
All because a hero was there…
in the HEART of a teacher who cared…
enabling the child to become much more…
than he ever imaged…or dared…
A teacher with a HEART for her children…
knows what teaching is all about
she may not have all the answers…
but on this…she has no doubt
When asked which subjects she loved to teach…
She answered this way and smiled…
“it’s not the subject that matter…
it’s all about teaching the CHILD”
Heart of a Teacher- A movie from Simple Truths