All five of the people in the Moderna trial who developed COVID-19 after receiving the vaccine were white. As a result, the Moderna vaccine was 100% effective in Black, Latino and Asian Americans, as well as in people with mixed racial backgrounds.
In its Phase 3 trial, the Pfizer vaccine was 100% effective for Black study participants and 94.5% effective for Latino participants, slightly below the 94.7% effectiveness for white subjects. In addition, it was 74.4% effective in Asian Americans, and 100% effective in Native Americans and Pacific Islanders.
The Moderna vaccine was 100% effective at preventing cases of severe COVID-19.
The Pfizer vaccine was 66.4% effective at preventing cases of severe COVID-19.
The most common side effects for both vaccines were fatigue, headache, muscle pain, chills and joint pain. However, these were reported more often in the Moderna trial than the Pfizer trial.
目前研究人員並不建議所有人都服用維生素D作為Covid-19的預防性措施,但是缺乏維生素D的人絶對應該考慮補充。上面所提某項研究的作者 José L. Hernández博士說 “在血液中循環的維生素D水平較低的COVID-19患者中,應建議使用維生素D治療,因為這種方法可能對肌肉骨骼和免疫系統均具有有益的作用”, 如果您不確定自己是否攝入足夠的維生素D,請考慮與您的醫生討論抽血檢查。 最後特別要指出的,維生素D在人體內有許多重要作用,不僅僅是免疫健康, 例如D還可以幫助維持牙齒和骨骼強壯健康,並使我們精力充沛、心情愉快。 因此攝取足夠的維生素至關重要,尤其是如果您更易遇到維生素D缺乏、或自己知道患有維生素D缺乏症者尤為如此。 您可以從雞蛋、魚類、菠菜和乳製品等食物中獲取一些維生素D,但也可以考慮服用補充劑以確保您每天攝入足夠的維生素D。
ClOVID-19 and Vitamin D Deficiency: What’s the Connection?
知識中成長,經驗裡學習,鑽得越深,越覺得渺小,知道更多,也就越是懷疑,信己所信,或許是代償青春年少所未曾用心經歷的。希望學會如何使用自己,幫助別人~~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.[任何形式複製本網誌內容須先取得許可。本網誌之醫學資訊僅供參考,無意取代醫囑,未諮詢醫療專業前勿擅採任何行動。Any medical information published on this website is not intended as a substitute for informed medical advice and you should not take any action before consulting with a health care professional. Any kind of re-production of the content from this blog must receive written permission in advance.]